Aristides Guitars: Modern Marvels, Artist Feature

Aristides Guitars: Modern Marvels Featuring Sanjay Kumar

Sanjay Kumar, an accomplished guitarist from Bangalore, is the driving force behind the progressive metal project Foi. Over the past three years, he has impressively produced two full-length albums, two EPs, and three singles. Besides Foi, Sanjay is also highly regarded as a versatile producer, lending his talents to a wide range of musical genres across multiple projects. With a diverse background as a session guitarist for esteemed artists in India, Sanjay, who is self-taught, passionately shares his expertise through his online music school, clinics, and workshops.

Let’s delve into why Sanjay opted for Aristides Guitars as his preferred instrument for musical expression.

Q. How did you first discover Aristides guitars, and what made you invest in one?

Sanjay: I discovered Aristides when I watched Misha Mansoor talk in a video! This was in 2017. It ticked all the boxes of what I was looking for so I decided to take the plunge back then and see what happens!

Q. What specific model of Aristides guitar do you own, and what drew you to that particular model?

Sanjay: At this point, I own 3 Aristides 060’s and 1 H/07.  A headless 7 string made sense to what I was looking for in a 7 string and you just can’t miss with 060’s. The shape and style of the guitar works for my playing very well.

Q. Can you describe the experience of playing an Aristides guitar compared to other guitars you’ve owned or played?

Sanjay: Aristides is in a class of its own. Its stability and dependability are personified. I travel and tour a lot and I can always count on Aristides to work the way it’s supposed to.

Q. What initially attracted you to the craftsmanship and design of Aristides guitars, and have your expectations been met since owning one?

Sanjay: The fact that all my modern favorite guitar players were using it meant something to me and on doing some research I got to see how much care they put into making these guitars and I was impressed. The fact that everything was custom-made also meant something and it delivered more than my expectations.

Q. How would you describe the tone and playability of your Aristides guitar? Are there any specific features or qualities that stand out to you?

Sanjay: These guitars are fast and sleek, and very easy to play on. The tone is resonant and the sustain is awesome.

Q. As a player, what do you appreciate most about the build quality and construction of your Aristides guitar?

Sanjay: The build quality is amazing and since it’s not made of wood, it’s resistant to weather changes for a touring musician it’s a Godsend

Q. Have you had any memorable experiences or performances with your Aristides guitar that you’d like to share?

Sanjay: Several music Festivals in the UK including the Cambridge Folk Festival, sold-out shows in London, and of course performing at Lollapalooza all with my band The Raghu Dixit Project.

Q. Are there any customizations or modifications you’ve made to your Aristides guitar to tailor it to your playing style or preferences?

Sanjay: All my guitars have custom specs. Generally, though, I stick with Fishman Fluence Pickups, Lundgren M7 on my 7 string, and Evertune bridge.

Q. How has owning an Aristides guitar-influenced your approach to music, whether it be in terms of creativity, performance, or technique?

Sanjay: I stopped worrying about the guitar and started focussing on my playing ever since I got my hands on an Aristides. It’s just that good. I have forgotten all the problems that generally come with a guitar. Playing and traveling with another brand would just not work for me anymore.

Q. Finally, what advice would you give to other guitarists who are considering investing in an Aristides guitar or exploring boutique instruments in general?

Sanjay: When exploring custom instruments or Boutique guitars, go for the best. You can’t ever miss with an Aristides. I would not recommend getting anything ‘Custom’ from builders that only have some cool pics on the internet to show.  In those cases, you are better off buying a production-model guitar!

Q. Aristides guitars are known for their innovative use of materials, such as Arium. How do you feel these materials contribute to the overall sound and performance of your guitar?

Sanjay: Arium is a highly resonant material and I feel it helps with the overall tone. It’s clean and very modern sounding.

Q. Many guitarists develop a special bond with their instruments over time. What does your Aristides guitar mean to you personally, and how has it become an integral part of your musical identity?

Sanjay: Absolutely. I think people who follow me know me for the fact that I play these guitars. It would be weird even for me to be playing something else at this point haha. I mean, don’t get me wrong there are a ton of great instruments out there, but Aristides just works for my sound and what I’m going for right now.

Q. Can you share any insights into how your Aristides guitar performs in different musical contexts or genres? Have you found it to be versatile across various styles of music?

Sanjay: I play in a Folk band, record everything from film music to Hardcore metal, and play live with all kinds of bands encompassing various genres and I can do it all with my Aristides haha!

Q. Finally, if you could sum up your overall experience of owning and playing an Aristides guitar in just a few words, what would they be?

Sanjay: Reliable, Doesn’t get in your way, helps you focus on the playing rather than worrying about how it feels.