At The Stockist, your satisfaction is our top priority. We aim to deliver every product to you in perfect condition, but we understand that sometimes things don’t go as expected. To make sure you have a smooth shopping experience, please take a moment to read our return, cancellation, and grievance guidelines below.


When you place an order, we will provide an estimated shipping and delivery date based on item availability and the shipping method you select. Delivery estimates may be shown on the shipping quotes page, depending on your chosen provider. If the item is in stock, we aim to process the order within 2-3 business days, and the delivery will typically occur within 10-15 business days, depending on your delivery address. All orders will be shipped to the address provided at the time of purchase.

Shipping timelines may vary across different regions. For a more accurate delivery estimate, please contact our sales team when placing your order. In some cases, you might receive your order within 5 business days, depending on your location.

Please note that shipping costs for many items are calculated based on weight. The weight of each item can be found on its product page, and all weights are rounded up to the nearest full pound to align with the policies of our shipping carriers.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Before You Place Your Order

We encourage you to double-check the details of the items you’ve selected before completing your purchase. This will help avoid any discrepancies after the order is confirmed. Once you’ve placed your order, we’re unable to accept cancellations or returns unless there’s a manufacturing defect or the product is damaged in transit.

The Stockist reserves the right to accept or decline any order cancellation request at its discretion, for any reason. We have the authority to determine whether an order has been processed or not. By requesting a cancellation, you agree to respect and accept The Stockist’s decision, and you acknowledge that our decision regarding your cancellation request is final.

Cancellation Before Order Processing

If you wish to cancel your order before it has been processed or shipped, we will gladly assist you in doing so. In such cases, we will issue a refund after deducting applicable payment gateway charges. The refund will be processed within 15 days from the date of cancellation.

Returns and Exchanges

We want you to be happy with every purchase. If your item is defective or damaged upon arrival, we’ll make it right by offering a replacement. If a replacement is not available, we will process a refund for the product within 15 working days.

To ensure a quick resolution, please contact us at

Non-Returnable/Non-Refundable Items

As part of our commitment to offering quality products, we have a strict non-returnable and non-refundable policy. The only exceptions are products that arrive with manufacturing defects or damage from shipping.

We appreciate your understanding of this policy, which helps us maintain fair and efficient service for all customers. 

How to Report a Problem or Request a Return

If you receive an item that is damaged, defective, or incorrect, please send us an email at with a detailed description of the issue, along with supporting photos or a short video if possible. This will help us process your claim.

We kindly suggest that our customers consider making an unboxing video when receiving their product. This helps ensure clarity for all parties and allows us to address any concerns promptly and efficiently.

Once we review your claim, we will guide you through the next steps and provide a return authorization if needed. Please wait for our return authorization before sending back any items, as returns without prior approval will not be accepted.

Refund Process

If your return is approved, here’s how the refund will be processed:

  1. Refund Timing: Refunds will be credited to the original payment method within 15 business days. The exact timing may vary based on your bank’s processing times or the payment gateway provider, and we’re not responsible for any delays that occur at those stages.
  2. Condition for Refund: To process your refund, we must first receive the returned product in its original, unused condition and complete an inspection by our team.

We are dedicated to resolving any issues as quickly and smoothly as possible and are here to support you throughout the process. If you have any further questions, or if you need assistance at any stage, please don’t hesitate to contact us